‘Knight Cities’ podcast: A conversation with San Jose, Calif., Mayor Chuck Reed – Knight Foundation

‘Knight Cities’ podcast: A conversation with San Jose, Calif., Mayor Chuck Reed

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As mayor of San Jose, Chuck Reed has confronted some of the thorniest issues facing cities: the need to renegotiate employee pensions, the tensions between wanting good urban planning and accommodating new corporate headquarters, the drying up of state funds, the need for cities such as San Jose to build strong brands.   Sign up for Episode Alerts Subscribe

In this week’s “Knight Cities,” Mayor Reed talks frankly about these and other challenges, along with one of the innovative ways he is tapping new talent for City Hall.  He also gives voters advice on what to look for in a candidate running for mayor.  

My conversation with him is posted here.  

Join us for “Knight Cities,” and look for new content posted every Wednesday here. You can follow us on Twitter at #knightcities or @knightfdn. And if you have ideas for people you’d like to hear more from, please email me.

Carol Coletta is vice president of community and national initiatives at Knight Foundation.

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