Knight Commission announces fifteen members and first meeting – Knight Foundation

Knight Commission announces fifteen members and first meeting

Yesterday, fifteen members of the new Knight Commission on Information Needs of Community in Democracy were announced.

Focused on information flows, the Commission is a joint project of Knight Foundation and the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program, led by co-chairs Ted Olson, former Solicitor General of the United States, and Marissa Mayer, Vice President of Search Product and User Experience at Google. Peter Shane, a distinguished law professor at Ohio State University Law School, is the executive director. The other Commission members are listed here.

From the press release:

“Information is a core community need,” said Walter Isaacson, president and CEO, The Aspen Institute. “We are fortunate to have such a diverse, open-minded and innovative group of individuals assembled to address this topic which is so important to our democracy going forward. We believe we can put the power of technology to use in strengthening community information, and through that information, communities themselves.”

“The charge of the Commission is straightforward,” says Alberto Ibarügen, president and CEO of Knight Foundation. “Articulate the information needs of communities in this democracy; determine where we are today; and propose public policy that will encourage market solutions.”

On June 24th, the Commission will meet in the Knight Conference Center at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. to discuss “the integration of technology and the future of community information, economic sustainability, and the changing media landscape.”

The meeting will be web cast live on the Commission’s Web site:

What questions do you have for the Commission?

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