Knight Commission Asks About Your Information Needs – Knight Foundation

Knight Commission Asks About Your Information Needs

The Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy ( wants to hear about your information needs starting today through Friday, May 8th on the PBS Engage site (the social media hub for PBS efforts):

On the site, there are five questions you can leave a comment on (or leave a general comment here) along with blog posts and video from the Commission’s seven public forums and the Commission’s preliminary report (that you can comment on in a Scribd shared document).

Marissa Mayer, Google’s Vice President of Search Products & User Experience, and Co-Chair of the Commission, will post answers to questions about the Commission’s work via Google Moderator at on May 15th.

You can also leave a phone message for the Commission (202) 721-5599 or write to them at: The Aspen Institute, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036.

Questions? Let us know in the comments. Please leave all comments for the Commission on the site.