Knight Digital Training Center in Milledgeville – Knight Foundation

Knight Digital Training Center in Milledgeville

From, an article on WiMAX (strong wireless connectivity) and a new Knight digital training center in Milledgeville, Georgia quoting Knight Foundation Program Director Beverly Blake:

WiMax isn’t the only Internet project under way in Milledgeville, which is seeking to remake its economic base in some ways as manufacturing jobs leave town.

Several groups in the area are working with a separate $1.5 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, which promotes journalism excellence worldwide and invests in the vitality of Macon and 25 other U.S. communities where the Knight brothers owned newspapers in their lifetimes.

The money will be used to set up a training center where people can learn how to use the Internet, said James Wolfgang, director of Georgia College’s Georgia Digital Innovation Group. Small business owners, for example, could use the center’s technology to produce brochures and videos, he said.

The goal is to turn the people of Milledgeville into ‘a work force that is competitive in the knowledge economy,’ Knight Foundation program director Beverly Blake said.

‘If you don’t have the knowledge of how to use the Internet in this day and age, you are a second-class citizen,’ she said.

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