Knight Drupal Initiative Announces Six Winners – Knight Foundation

Knight Drupal Initiative Announces Six Winners

Just announced from the DrupalCon stage:

The Knight Drupal (an open source content management system) Initiative’s winners (background on this project), announced at the DrupalCon DC Conference, will receive a total of $485,380 to:

* Create concise, up-to-date instructions for Drupal software packages so that tech novices can use the tools; (Winner: Programmer Addison Berry/ add1sun)

Drupal Voicebox Module by Bill Fitzgerald: Create a free publishing system to make it easier for several geographic communities to share local news with each other; (Winner: Oregon-based (billfitzgerald)

Drupal for Facebook by Dave Cohen: Allow anyone, anywhere to easily create a Drupal online news site whose content can be published on Facebook in order to reach an extended social network; (Winner: Software developer Dave Cohen)

Instant Syndicating Standards by Nick Vidal: Develop software that allows people to create and share a personalized stream of information within their social network, helping them to filter and recommend articles to others interested in the same issues; (Winner: Instant Syndicating Standards, a Brazilian non-profit)

Open MicroBlogging for Drupal by Rob Loach: Add a micro-blogging function to Drupal that will allow users to transmit brief text updates on their Web sites (Winner: Web developer Rob Loach)

Managing News by Developmentseed: Create a tool that will help residents better communicate and understand information about their community by allowing them to geo-tag ‘ or add a geographical identification ‘ to stories so they can be displayed on a map; (DevelopmentSeed, a Washington D.C. firm)

The Knight Drupal Initiative tapped into a massive network of programmers, to get their recommendations for how to hasten media innovation for the common good.

The Drupal Community, a group of about 350,000 programmers who write free software collaboratively on the Web, solicited, reviewed and recommended the projects for funding. The Drupal Community also includes the more than 1.4 million users worldwide who rely on Drupal to manage the content of their Web sites. The application process was open, meaning anyone could submit or vote on an idea. Knight Foundation made the final selection.

Congratulations to the winners; we welcome your thoughts on the KDI, the process, (and congratulations to the winners!) below—

p.s. Knight Foundation staff Jose Zamora and Kristen Taylor are attending DrupalCon and look forward to talking with Drupalers.

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