Knight Foundation President honored for commitment to ethics – Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation President honored for commitment to ethics

Knight Foundation President and CEO Alberto Ibarügen was awarded the Schieffer School of Journalism Ethics Award on Wednesday at Texas Christian University. This award recognizes individuals in journalism and strategic communications for their commitment to the highest ethical standards.

“Alberto Ibarügen could not be more deserving,’ said John Lumpkin, director of the Schieffer School of Journalism. ‘His career is a model for ethics in our profession. I can say that from the perspective of the Schieffer School and also one who knew Alberto professionally in my former assignment with Associated Press.”

Tom Fiedler, former executive editor at The Miami Herald while Ibarügen was publisher, says “Alberto [created] a culture of ethical decision-making that permeated the newspaper.’ Of course that included an absolute insistence that the newsroom place fairness to all at the center of its journalism.’ And it also included an insistence on inclusion and diversity in hiring and in newsroom assignments ‘ so much so that during his tenure The Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald received numerous awards for having the most diverse news staffs in the United States, diversity that included race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identities.’ To me, that bespeaks the essence of ethical leadership.”

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