Knight Foundation supports Huffington Post Investigative Fund – Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation supports Huffington Post Investigative Fund

The Huffington Post Investigative Fund has been busy since its launch earlier this year. It’s produced more than 50 stories, including an investigation of fraud in the subprime lending industry, a helpful guide to financial regulatory reform proposals, and a look at the challenges of implementing electronic records in the health-care system. It’s partnered up with investigative journalism heavyweights such as the Center for Public Integrity, ProPublica, and American University’s Investigative Reporting Workshop.

And now Knight Foundation is a partner as well. Today, we announced a $200,000 grant to support the Fund’s operations, joining an illustrious crew of partners that includes the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, Atlantic Philanthropies, the Markle Foundation and of course, the The Huffington Post.

“The Huffington Post is an ideal partner for Knight Foundation,” said Knight’s President and CEO Alberto Ibarügen. “They are entrepreneurial and care passionately about meeting the information needs of communities.” He added: “As a media leader, few are as innovative as Arianna Huffington. She believes in freedom and practices it. She believes in journalism and has hired outstanding investigative reporters and editors. And she believes in the power of technology to change the world for the better.”

The grant is a part of Knight’s $15 million Investigative Reporting Initiative, announced this year at the annual convention of the Investigative Reporters and Editors organization. You can read more about that Initiative here, and read more about today’s grant in the news release.

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