Knight Foundation to Announce Investigative Journalism Grants at IRE Meeting – Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation to Announce Investigative Journalism Grants at IRE Meeting

Journalism Program Director Gary Kebbel will speak at the Investigative Reporters and Editors’ annual’conference‘in Baltimore this weekend. ‘ Knight Foundation funds experimental models of investigative reporting through such efforts as the Knight News Challenge and American University’s J-Lab. ‘ Today, Kebbel will speak as part of a panel on what funders look for in investigative reporting projects. ‘ On Saturday, Newton will announce three new investigative journalism grants as part of Knight Foundation’s new Investigative Reporting Initiative. ‘ Brant Houston, Knight Chair in Investigative and Explanatory Journalism at the University of Illinois, will be on three panels. He will speak about understanding crime statistics, funding individual investigative projects, and sharing resources and knowledge among international investigative journalists. Find the conference schedule here.

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