Knight Foundation’s Communities Program strategy – Knight Foundation

Knight Foundation’s Communities Program strategy

Knight Foundation’s Communities Program engages people and institutions in the transformational issues and opportunities of their time. To do this, we take a long-term view of communities.

We consider the local narrative, spot important long-term trends and opportunities, then invest in the people and institutions whom we believe can make the difference. We do this with a constant eye on impact and innovation.

Our efforts concentrate in eight communities where we have offices and work in partnership with community foundations for 18 others.

The eight resident communities and related opportunities are in:

·      Akron – Attracting and engaging the talent from within Akron and without as it continues to transform its economy;

·      Charlotte – Engaging major institutional leaders and community members in transforming schools in the Project Leadership and Investment for Transformation (LIFT) zone;

·      Detroit – Engaging the community around young, social entrepreneurs who are transforming Detroit;

·      Macon – Leading to create a hip, historic and prosperous Macon

·      Miami – Helping Miami to become a place where entrepreneurship and innovation thrive;

·      Philadelphia – Engaging the next generation of Philadelphia’s millennials in the economic evolution of the city;

·      St. Paul – Engaging the community in strengthening neighborhoods along the new Central Corridor light rail line; and

·      San Jose/Silicon Valley – Helping Silicon Valley to become best in the nation at using technology to engage its residents in civic and community issues.

By Trabian Shorters, vice president/Communities at Knight Foundation

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