Knight grantee spearheads Freedom of Information training tour for journalists – Knight Foundation

Knight grantee spearheads Freedom of Information training tour for journalists

Access Across America, which is presented by Society of Professional Journalists, is a national Freedom of Information training tour for journalists being conducted throughout the month of May.

Freedom of Information Committee Chair David Cuiller is traveling the country in an attempt to spread training in acquiring public records.

Cuiller blogs daily, offering tips and newsroom updates. In his most recent blog, Cuillier offers some ideas for spreading freedom of information in your community.

  • Put together an annual access project for national Sunshine Week, held each March
  • Create a coalition for open government in your state, if you don’t have one. If you do, get involved and keep it strong. See the list of state coalitions at the National Freedom of Information Coalition (a co-sponsor for this tour)

Sunshine Week and the National Freedom of Information Coalition are Knight Foundation grantees.

–Marly Falcon, Knight Foundation contributing blogger

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