Knight is seeking a social media superstar – Knight Foundation

Knight is seeking a social media superstar

We’re looking for someone to supercharge Knight’s transformation into a truly interactive foundation:

Online Community ManagerDo you live digital? Have a track record of building online communities? A knack for engaging readers? Passionate about how the digital age is impacting journalism, communities and democracy?

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation may have the job for you as its online community manager based in our Miami, Florida headquarters.

‘ Play a key role in making Knight the first truly interactive foundation by creating genuine, two-way digital communication thereby enriching the connections with the big thinkers and innovators we seek to invest in;

‘ Be both an evangelist and player-coach who helps Knight staff and the foundation’s community of grantees use social media and technology for the greater good.

‘ Establish the foundation as the leading proponent of community engagement in the digital age and as a leader in our field in the use of digital resources.

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation advances journalism in the digital age and invests in the vitality of communities where the Knight brothers owned newspapers. Knight Foundation focuses on projects that promote community engagement and lead to transformational change. Discover more at

If you are a digital media pro known for your innovative work in stimulating community/social network interactions, and our mission and this opportunity excites your passions, we want to hear from you. Please send your resume and links to examples of your best work to Henry Scott at [email protected].

Knight Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

In the video below, Marc Fest, Knight’s VP of Communications, explains why this position is such an excellent opportunity.

Update: Also, read this interview with Marc Fest for more information on how this position came about.

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