Knight network provides community, collaboration and support – Knight Foundation

Knight network provides community, collaboration and support

Knight News Challenge: Summer attendees arriving at the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, Mo. Photo by Michael Bolden.

Bianca St. Louis is the program coordinator for the nonprofit CODE 2040, a Knight News Challenge winner

This summer Knight Foundation chose CODE2040 as one of 19 winners in its Knight News Challenge on strengthening the Internet. One of the highlights of this experience has been an event dubbed KNC Summer, a chance to gather with other winners from the current and previous groups, in Kansas City, Mo. in late August. We shared our experiences and gained insights from experts in storytelling, branding, search engine optimization and other fields. It was a remarkable experience, but the effects have stayed with us as we continue our work.  

So, what is CODE2040? We create pathways to educational, professional and entrepreneurial success in technology for underrepresented minorities, focusing on black and Latino people. Our nonprofit exists to make a direct impact on the achievement, skills and wealth gaps in the United States. The year 2040 is when the U.S. is predicted to be a majority-minority country. Our goal is to ensure that, by that year, black and Latino people are proportionally represented in the leading edge of America’s innovation economy as technologists, investors, thought leaders and entrepreneurs.

When you run a Google search on innovation over 400 million search results come up. That’s not surprising. Innovation is often top of mind to many companies seeking to stay agile and efficient delivering new goods and services. It’s also been top of mind for me, especially during the time I’ve spent learning from the Knight Foundation family. I am constantly reminded that innovation is fostered through community, collaboration and support.

Innovation happens where there is community

Being part of the Knight family has made a difference in our thinking here at CODE 2040. When I reflect on what drives innovation, community is invaluable. A network that includes people who believe and support you fosters pathways of unparalleled growth. It’s an opportunity for you to increase the impact of your work and to change more lives.

Prior to KNC Summer, I hadn’t met many of the challenge winners but I felt that I had known everyone for years. Kul Wadwha, who helped organize the event, started a Google group, and it filled with resources and discussions that enabled me to gain deeper insight on the projects people were working on and some of the challenges they faced. The transparency in discussions—and being immersed in an environment where people felt free to ask for help—solidified this component of community. I was among a passionate group while learning and being inspired. I had access to more of the tools and resources we need to thrive as an organization and I believe I need to grow professionally.

Innovation happens where there is collaboration

As a Haitian-American this old quote often sticks with me: “Men anpil chay pa lou.” It translates roughly as “Many hands make the load lighter.” 

In each of the KNC Summer sessions the advisers made the load lighter with their expertise and new perspectives. When you look at your organization there are always opportunities for growth and improvement. The sessions reminded me that collaboration and insight goes a long way. One particular session that really expanded my thinking and fueled my excitement was a branding session with Peter Spear. It was interactive and really shifted my views on conveying the problem that CODE 2040 is solving as an organization. It was great to become even more excited about the work we are doing and CODE 2040’s role in the diversity in technology ecosystem.

Innovation happens where there is support

“Great pitch!”

“Great idea!”

“Let me know when you’ll be in Chicago so I can introduce you to some folks.”

These were some of the many words of encouragement we heard at KNC Summer. I was constantly blown away by the community of support and the willingness of everyone to lend a hand in connecting the dots. With every interaction I felt more comfortable, knowing I was  among friends who were rooting for CODE2040. Thoughtful feedback, deeper insights and helpful suggestions were invaluable during my time with the other News Challenge winners.

The short time I have been part of the Knight Foundation community has been useful and memorable. From the storytelling sessions to amazing barbecue in Kansas City—which  included sharing many laughs—I’m excited to witness the continued growth. It’s an honor to learn from an organization that not only supports new ideas, growth and progress but equips you with the tools of innovation to propel your vision.

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