Knight News Challenge–Sept 25th Chicago Meetup – Knight Foundation

Knight News Challenge–Sept 25th Chicago Meetup

If you’re debating applying for the Knight News Challenge this year, but haven’t done anything yet AND you live in the Chicago area, you might want to come to the meet up on Thursday of this week. We’ll have two KNC team members and a local winner there to share info about the program, the mentoring program and peer review in the Garage and what kinds of projects KNC08 supports.Check out the Facebook event invite for KNC’s Chicago meetup!Thursday, September 25th, 6:30-9:30 p.m.Columbia College, Room 21933 E. Congress, Chicago, IL

Here’s what the notice says:

The Knight News Challenge is in the third year of a program that gives away $5MM a year to digital innovations. Do you have a big idea for informing and inspiring a geographic community using social media, Web 2.0 tools or OpenID? How about exchanging information via video, photos or text messaging? A way to integrate game theory with web browsing to support local community engagement? Come on, push the edge – we’re seeking true innovation!

Come to this meet up to find out how to apply, share ideas, and get a chance to talk to KNC evangelists to find out how to apply and improve your chances of winning funding for your great open source idea.

Check out for more information or to start your application now.

Note: You need to RSVP to be able to attend, via Facebook, phone (847-942-6732) or email ([email protected]).

This is a truly innovative program to push the edge of what digital democracy and discourse can look like and I hope to see online journalists, media folks, technologists, activists, educators and others I’m not naming here all apply.

(Cross posted to Susan Mernit’ Blog)