Knight News Challenge tip: do your research – Knight Foundation

Knight News Challenge tip: do your research

Note: To apply for the News Challenge, and read our FAQ, visit

Improve your Knight News Challenge application and your chance of becoming a finalist by doing some basic research.

Make sure you do the necessary research to show that you have a unique idea or a project that combines things that already exist to provide a product, process or service in a totally new way. You want to demonstrate that your project is better, more efficient or different from what already exists. The main goal is for you to know and be able to convey that you are not reinventing the wheel. And in this round of the challenge you want to demonstrate that you are using networks and tools that already exist to inform and engage users.

You will have a great advantage in the contest if you are able to show that:

• You know the landscape of the field and the project you are proposing to do.

• You are able to explain why your idea/project is different or better than everything else that is out there.

If you’re in Austin at SXSW, we’re holding one last set of in-person “Office Hours” today at Knight Foundation’s Trade Show Booth (Exhibit Halls 3 & 4 #401-403) from 11-2:30 p.m. CT.

Feel free to send specific questions about this via Twitter using #newschallenge, @knightfdn, or email us at: [email protected].

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