Knight News Challenge Widget: Coming to Sidebars Near You – Knight Foundation

Knight News Challenge Widget: Coming to Sidebars Near You

For the Knight News Challenge (our $25 million, five-year contest that rewards ideas and projects that use digital news or information to inform and inspire geographic communities), we’ve made a News Challenge bingo widget for you to grab and put on your Web site.

Correctly match the name of the winner with their grant sideways, vertically, or across to win (our admiration). For more details on how to really win a News Challenge grant, check the site and interact with the winners on the new Ning (social network).

To grab the widget, click ‘share’ on the right side at the bottom in either the large bingo game:

Or the small bingo game:

What other types of Knight Foundation content would you like to share with friends online?

Please leave us a comment and show us where you put the bingo game on your site.