Knight News Challenge Winners Announced – Knight Foundation

Knight News Challenge Winners Announced

Last Wednesday, the Knight News Challenge winners were announced at the Editor & Publisher/Mediaweek Interactive conference in Las Vegas.

Knight Foundation president and CEO Alberto Ibarügen chatted with one of the winners, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, after the announcement; inventor of the World Wide Web, Berners-Lee is working with Martin Moore on a transparent journalism project.

The full details on all sixteen grants are here.

Video from all the winners explaining their projects, as Bev Clark does for her Freedom Fone project below, will be posted on this blog this week.

This year’s winners will also join last year’s News Challenge winners blogging for IdeaLab.

Fans of the News Challenge and these projects can join the News Challenge Ning social network to interact with the winners.

Bev Clark talks about her Knight News Challenge project, Freedom Fone