ManaTEEN Club Dive in West Palm Beach – Knight Foundation

ManaTEEN Club Dive in West Palm Beach

The ManaTEEN Club, an organization funded through the Knight community of Bradenton, recently completed a marine restoration dive in West Palm Beach with members of Knight Foundation staff.

Founded in 1994, the ManaTEEN group volunteers in southwest Florida, and more than 300 teens have given 16,576 hours of service. The club has 12,000 active members ranging in age from eight to twenty-one.

“It is currently the largest locally based youth community service organization in the nation giving back 1.7 million hours annually to our community,” according to Alysia Bower of ManaTEEN. “The dive in West Palm Beach focused on the purpose to empower teens as decision makers regarding the coastal environment and marine restoration.”

Here’s the video from the dive:

For more ManaTEENS, you can follow along on their blog.