McDonald’s Promotes 2008 Knight News Challenge Winner for 14 Days Throughout Russia – Knight Foundation

McDonald’s Promotes 2008 Knight News Challenge Winner for 14 Days Throughout Russia

SochiReporter, a 2008 Knight News Challenge winner, was presented in 240 McDonald’s restaurants throughout Russia.

The fast-food chain placed hundreds of thousands of leaflets on every food tray of every patron over the course of 14 days.

The leaflets, which included SochiReporter’s logo and URL, informed customers of SochiReporter’s support of McDonald’s World Children’s Day, and also thanked its other media partners.

The partnership brought 35 percent more visitors to and 30 percent more content uploads by citizen journalists.

SochiReporter launched in October 2009, allowing the people of Sochi, the Russian resort city hosting the 2014 Olympics, to use the latest online tools to discuss and influence the impact of the Games.

–Marly Falcon, contributing blogger of Knight Foundation

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