MediaShift on “Building the Ideal Community Information Hub” – Knight Foundation

MediaShift on “Building the Ideal Community Information Hub”

Mark Glaser of MediaShift blogged yesterday on the response so far to the Knight Commission (on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy)’s questions.

Below, an excerpt from the post:

Problem: Where can people find the local information they need, whether it’s about a school board meeting, a new construction project or a nearby robbery? Solution: A community hub, with all the information aggregated in one online source and pushed out via libraries, in-person meetings, community radio, small run print publications and cable access TV.

That’s my conclusion after studying all the input received by PBS Engage when it passed on the questions from the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy. Those questions all sought to get to the heart of one issue: What are the information needs of people in local communities, and what can we do as a society to serve those needs? I also asked that question on a post at Idea Lab, which David Sasaki answered with an excellent view of how mapping applications can boost community involvement.

Read the rest of the post with his eight steps, and please leave comments on the MediaShift post.