Miami joins Latin America in ‘Money Trailing’ hackathon – Knight Foundation

Miami joins Latin America in ‘Money Trailing’ hackathon

The newsroom at Univision in Doral. Photo by Michael D. Bolden

A civic journalism hackathon will take place simultaneously in 13 Latin American cities and Miami on Saturday. The free, daylong event aims to get Hacks/Hackers chapters in Latin America to work across borders on data journalism projects.

Journalist Dan Grech, co-founder of the Miami chapter of Hacks/Hackers, said the “Money Trail” hackathon will allow journalists and coders to follow where and how Latin American governments and corporations are directing their funds.

Miami is the only U.S. city participating in the event. Grech said its inclusion is essential because money from Latin America is “flowing continually through Miami.”

“This regional money trail hackathon is powerful because it acknowledges that money flows in Latin America are transnational, so journalists must work across borders to track them,” Grech said. “Cash—both dirty and clean—from Latin America inevitably flows through Miami, and we’re going to follow it.”

The hackathon will take place at Univision and Fusion’s Newsport headquarters. Breakfast and lunch will be provided thanks to support from Knight Foundation. RSVP required.

Carolina Wilson is an editorial intern at Knight Foundation.

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