Miami teen uses maker space to launch digital project
The following is part of an in-depth look at how YOUMedia Miami is a creative space for teens to experiment with digital media. This student newscast is filmed and edited by Faheem Muhammad, age 17.
It has been a year now since I started attending YOUMedia and now I am visiting daily. YOUMedia gives teenagers a magnificent opportunity to do creative projects, learn skills in using and handling the devices and software (GarageBand, iMovie, and Mac devices), and to get a chance to make friends with other participants who have the same career interests.
People also love to come to YOUMedia because of the employees who will welcome and take you in like family and guide you in how to do things involving technology. Also they will help you improve your skills in things such as public speaking, writing & researching, and other things. Here, I have gained the motivation and inspiration to become the best that best can be.
By Faheem Muhammad
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