Knight Chair Michael Pollan Appears on NBC, The Daily Show and PBS – Knight Foundation

Knight Chair Michael Pollan Appears on NBC, The Daily Show and PBS

Michael Pollan, Knight Chair in Science and Technology Reporting at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism since 2003, has been recently speaking about his latest book – Food Rules – in which he lays out clear guidelines for eating wisely.

Pollan has widely lectured on food, agriculture, health and the environment, and was recently featured on NBC Nightly News, The Daily Show, and PBS.

Knight Foundation has 22 Knight Chairs in Journalism at 21 U.S. colleges and universities. ‘Former Knight Foundation President Creed Black founded the Knight Chairs in Journalism program and explained that their purpose ‘is to strengthen American journalism education by bolstering core curricular values and encouraging innovation ‘ to improve standards and effectiveness ‘ to assure a large number of journalists in the next century experience quality training.’

Under the direction of Pollan, the Knight Program in Science and Environmental Journalism at Berkeley offers advanced reporting courses and instruction on reporting on the sciences and subjects involving science, including health, nutrition, the environment and agriculture.

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