More Dispatches from Biloxi – Knight Foundation

More Dispatches from Biloxi

The building continues in Biloxi at the Habitat for Humanity‘s 25th Annual Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project, and Knight Foundation colleagues are sending back pictures and video of the first few days.

For most of the houses, Journalism Associate Jessica Goldfin writes, the homeowner is working as part of the build crew, “which is really inspiring and cool.”

For the house Jessica is working on, the future homeowner Christine commented on Monday, “Wow, this is my bathroom,” and, later, “it is starting to look like my home.”

Builders are also leaving messages for the homeowners on the structure itself; so the walls will talk–or whisper, perhaps, of the efforts volunteers made this week and their best wishes for the homeowners.

the writing on the walls

Many of our number were able to meet Jimmy Carter, including Knight Foundation president and CEO Alberto Ibarügen:

(video by VP of Communications Marc Fest)

And, find out from our embedded blogger Anne Corriston what tool beginning Habitat volunteers use most, and what she said to President Carter last night.

What would you write on the walls of a Habitat house you were helping build?