More on the Macon neighborhood revitalization – Knight Foundation

More on the Macon neighborhood revitalization

Two external mentions of the new grant to revitalize Macon neighborhoods:

Charles E. Richardson of the Macon Telegraph contexts the new grant as part of a much larger effort to attract business partners to join Mercer, Macon Housing Authority, the city of Macon, NewTown and the Medical Center of Central Georgia on the College Hill Corridor Committee. In his article, he explores how Macon can model some of Akron’s recent success in reshaping a downtown area. is streaming video and audio from the June 6th press conference here.

From the press release:

‘From my arrival in Macon two years ago, I have been struck by the opportunities for economic renewal in the historic neighborhoods around downtown,’ [Mercer President William S.] Underwood said.

‘Downtown redevelopment is gaining momentum, and the success of initiatives such as the Beall’s Hill neighborhood redevelopment provide a solid foundation for further expansion of redevelopment efforts.

“I am deeply grateful to Knight Foundation for providing a major grant that will allow the partners to combine and more effectively coordinate their efforts, while attracting new partners and additional expertise, to make this endeavor a national success story.’

Knight Foundation Program Director of Macon Beverly Blake agrees, acknowledging that “enduring change happens when we work together-across real or perceived barriers-with others of good faith to create the future of Macon…for all of us.”

What ideas do you have about the new direction for Macon? Please leave comments for Beverly below.