4 most common News Challenge questions answered – Knight Foundation

4 most common News Challenge questions answered

We’re less than a week away from the deadline in our current News Challenge, which asks the question “How can we strengthen the Internet for free expression and innovation?” In June, we’ll award a share of $2.75 million, including $250,000 from Ford Foundation, for the best ideas. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. ET. We will not accept late entries.


Towards a stronger Internet” by John Bracken and Chris Sopher on Knightblog.org

Our future’s Internet strengthened today” by Jenny Toomey on KnightBlog.org

A $2.75 million challenge to create a more open Internet” by Mark Surman on KnightBlog.org

Creating safe spaces for innovation on the Internet” by Kwasi Asare on KnightBlog.org

Refusing to unlearn a free and open Internet” by Shazna Nessa on KnightBlog.org

Restoring equilibrium to the web” by Tyler Fisher on KnightBlog.org 

To help get the ideas flowing, we’ve created a video series featuring several thought leaders. You can hear what they have to say here.

Here are some answers to some of the most common questions we’ve been asked:

1. Can I apply more than once?

A: Yes.

2. Do I need to be an organization to apply?

A: No.

3. I’m not sure how much funding to ask for…

A: Don’t worry about the amount yet. We’ll dive deeper into fiscal details as we get further along in the review process.

4.  Does my project’s code have to be open source?

A: No. Depending on the circumstance, we have a number of funding options and structures available. See #3– we’ll work through this with you if your project advances in the contest.

Another thing to emphasize: in this News Challenge, we’re open to an array of approaches for strengthening the Internet: from tech tools to policy ideas to academic research to journalism– anything that advances free expression or innovation.

You can ask more questions tomorrow, March 13, when we will host a virtual office hour at 3 p.m. ET. (To connect, go to http://www.readytalk.com or call 1-866-740-1260, with code 9082660.)

By John Bracken, director of journalism and media innovation at Knight Foundation

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