Mount Airy embarks on a business-building journey that provides important services to recent immigrants – Knight Foundation

Mount Airy embarks on a business-building journey that provides important services to recent immigrants

Above: The Philadelphia Immigrant Innovation Hub. Photo courtesy of PhillyIHub.

In the Mount Airy neighborhood of Northwest Philadelphia, diversity and innovation are integral parts of the community and its rich history. Recognized as one of the nation’s first fully integrated neighborhoods, and rich in independent businesses like bookstores, art galleries, restaurants and a co-op grocery store, Mount Airy seems like an ideal place to get started if you’re a recent transplant to the United States. That is why the Philadelphia Immigrant Innovation Hub set up shop here, and why this exciting Knight Cities Challenge winner promises so much, not only for Mount Airy and Philly, but for the country as well.

At PhillyIHub’s launch party on Feb. 4, Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney took to the podium to emphasize the need for nurturing immigrant communities. The first group of members have already started working to build their businesses from the Mount Airy USA office prior to the opening of the main coworking space on Germantown Avenue.

Mayor Jim Kenney speaking at the PhillyIHub launch party. Photo courtesy of Brad Maule.

Executive Director Brad Copeland explains that the concept was based on two main ideas: “Immigrant entrepreneurs have historically played a critical role in the development and redevelopment of American cities,” Copeland says. “And secondly, that the timing was ripe to introduce a new audience to Northwest Philadelphia, which we know to be an amazing place to live and work.”

Taking this neighborhood approach to economic and personal development provides a sturdy foundation for the community at large, and business owners have a variety of ways to participate in and benefit from PhillyIHub’s services. Firstly, there are business workshops geared toward recent immigrants. Topics like small business accounting, tax information and understanding the Philadelphia entrepreneurial landscape occur on an ongoing basis, and participants are welcome to suggest other ideas for workshops that would interest them.

Opportunities for individual coaching are also available at the Welcome Centers or by consultants on an as-needed basis. PhillyIHub also facilities access to capital by providing confidential consultation on the specific financial opportunities and challenges facing each individual business. Lastly, there is ample community engagement through events such as a tour of the Germantown Corridor that serves as the main thoroughfare of Mount Airy, coffee dates and meetings with the local business association.

The opening event at the Philadelphia Immigrant Innovation Hub. Photo courtesy PhillyIHub.

With the launch of PhillyIHub, the expansion of business services that directly help immigrants is well underway in one of Philadelphia’s most exciting neighborhoods. “Our Business Association is already a resource to local business owners,” says Copeland. “We want every ambitious entrepreneur to choose Mount Airy–whether they are a fifth-generation Philadelphian or just arrived in this country a year ago.”

The winners of the 2016 Knight Cities Challenge will be announced in April. Visit the Knight Cities website for more information.  

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