News Challenge Countdown: Twelve Days Left – Knight Foundation

News Challenge Countdown: Twelve Days Left

Thanks to Rosental Alves, Director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and Adam Weinroth of Pluck for two Austin News Challenge meetups last Thursday.

News Challenge is the $5M yearly contest to find innovative ideas about delivering information to specific geographic communities, and the application deadline is November 1st. You can apply online here.

If you’re in the Bay Area, join us at the San Francisco News Challenge meetup tomorrow night, Tuesday the 21st at 7pm at Tech Soup (details and RSVP here).

This weekend at Maker Faire in Austin, Texas, we talked with inventors, hackers, and visionaries:

Questions? Should we visit your area next year? Let us know in the comments, and thanks again to everyone we met in Austin–

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