News Challenge grantee donates to new Knight Media Innovation Fund – Knight Foundation

News Challenge grantee donates to new Knight Media Innovation Fund

Dan Pacheco

Knight News Challenge grantee Dan Pacheco announced today that he is going to donate 6% of his new company FeedBrewer Inc. to the newly created Knight Media Innovation Fund. FeedBrewer is an outgrowth of Printcasting, a company that Pacheco created with a News Challenge grant that has run out after two years. “We recognize the unique role that philanthropy played in our development. By donating a percentage of our new company to the Knight Media Innovation Fund, we’ll be paying that good fortune forward and helping the Foundation develop other innovative products that meet the ever increasing information needs of communities,” said Pacheco.

The Knight Media Innovation Fund at the Dade Community Foundation is a donor-advised fund that will support innovative digital projects that inform and engage geographic communities.’ Knight Foundation staff will be the donor advisors to the fund.

Stay tuned for more information about the fund next week.

Click here to read Dan Pacheco’s news release.

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