News Challenge Meetup in D.C.; Next, Vancouver and Seattle – Knight Foundation

News Challenge Meetup in D.C.; Next, Vancouver and Seattle

On Tuesday night, Netsquared DC chairs Matt Stempeck (pictured below, far right) and Gabriela Schneider rallied over forty people to a News Challenge (the $5 million yearly contest on innovative digital news delivery ideas) meetup at Google’s D.C. headquarters.

Local developers and interested community organizers asked thoughtful questions about the News Challenge contest and the News Challenge Garage, the new incubator site to work through News Challenge ideas before applying. Knight looks forward to seeing the News Challenge entries from this area.

The full schedule of upcoming meetups is listed at the bottom of the News Challenge home page.

You can join Susan Mernit and Heidi Miller at next week’s meetups:

– Oct 6: Vancouver: 7:00pm – 9:00pm; Rain City Studios, 420-1 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC (Details).

– Oct. 7: Seattle: 7:00pm – 8:30pm, Location TBD. (Details.)

Look for more information soon about the upcoming Atlanta and Austin News Challenge meetups–

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