San Francisco experiments in improving public life offers opportunity for Knight communities – Knight Foundation

San Francisco experiments in improving public life offers opportunity for Knight communities

San Francisco, as viewed from Twin Peaks. Photo by Flickr user Andrew Mace.

This month leaders from several Knight communities will visit us here in San Francisco as we explore the future of the main artery of our city. Laid out 150 years ago, Market Street spans three miles from the waterfront to the hills of Twin Peaks. It has history and purpose. It also faces serious challenges, and we see an opportunity for other cities to learn from our experimentation.

Market Street has carried horse-driven streetcars, trolleybuses and cable cars; it has hosted parades and celebrations marking worldwide events; and, every day, it carries thousands of pedestrians, transit riders, skateboarders and cyclists. Yet, its wide sidewalks, busy transit centers and distinct neighborhoods aren’t working to create inspiration and connection.

How do we address these challenges to amplify vibrant public life in our cities? How do we connect across the country to explore and learn from new ways of instigating positive and inclusive change in our cities?

Last fall, San Francisco residents were invited to submit their innovative ideas to turn Market Street’s sidewalks – from the Embarcadero to Van Ness Avenue – into more engaging places for our citizens to connect. Led by Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the San Francisco Planning Department and Knight Foundation, the open call received over 200 project proposals that were reviewed by a diverse group of makers, artists, thought leaders and other members of the community. The top 50 projects were chosen based on their creativity, sense of community and potential to make Market Street a more engaging public space where people gather to see, learn about and participate in city life.

For three days in April, Market Street will come alive with these 50 design ideas and we will be joined by a group of leaders from Knight communities, including Akron, Ohio; Charlotte, N.C.; Detroit; Macon, Ga.; Miami; Philadelphia; San Jose, Calif.; and St. Paul, Minn. With the support of Knight Foundation, we are able to incorporate real-time learning and exchange that enables leaders in different cities to absorb an innovative approach to community-driven planning, experience impact first-hand and explore how this practice might adapt to their communities.

Now more than ever, we need to share ideas across geographical boundaries that will allow us to cultivate healthy public life in cities across our country. Each context is unique, but the lessons learned from experimentation are invaluable as we all grapple with how to create more opportunity for more people to connect, exchange and grow forward.

We are honored to be hosting leaders and innovators from across the country. We trust that our work will get better, smarter and more impactful as a result.

The Market Street Prototyping Festival is scheduled for April 9-11, 2015. For more information, visit