Seeking proposals: Join us as we grow the BME Challenge – Knight Foundation

Seeking proposals: Join us as we grow the BME Challenge

How do you describe the role you play in community?

Are you a community organizer or a network builder? Are you a content provider or a new media platform? Are you a grassroots operator or a strategic convener?

Wherever you sit, and however you describe yourself, we invite you and your firm to consider joining the BME Challenge as our National Implementation Partner, helping to oversee the black male engagement effort in a growing number of cities.

When we launched BME last August, all we knew was that black males are assets in our communities and that it’s important to highlight, celebrate, and support their leadership. Eight months later, our opportunity is even bigger than we’d imagined.

After more than 2,000 men and boys joined the BME community in Detroit and Philadelphia by sharing their stories of engaging others, and 20 among them were selected as winners of the BME Leadership Award, BME is set to expand.

Earlier this week, we announced that we’re searching for a creative, strategic partner to implement the BME Challenge in up to eight target cities. This National Implementation Partner will lead the community partnerships, recruitment of stories and ideas and network building necessary for BME to keep winning as it grows.

So check out the RFP, register for one of our informational webinars, and share your vision with us.

We all have a role to play in BME. What will yours be?

By Rishi Jaitly, program director/Detroit at Knight Foundation

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