Spit-Polishing a Starless Sky/Outer Space – Knight Foundation

Spit-Polishing a Starless Sky/Outer Space

This Saturday at Charest-Weinberg Gallery opens a new show titled Spit-Polishing a Starless Sky/Outer Space, featuring local artists Bhakti Baxter, Nicolas Lobo, Gean Moreno, Daniel Newman, Ernesto Oroza, Gavin Perry, and Giancarlo Sardone.

The exhibition gathers together a healthy cross-section of Miami’s contemporary art luminaries, each in varying stages of their career.

What will be displayed is two different art shows with two different themes, but arranged and superimposed onto each other in a way that forces them to both interact and coexist. With Spit-Polishing a Starless Sky, Baxter, Newman, and Perry, offer up paintings with black being the predominant color, and each work containing a dualistic element that mirrors the nature of the double-exhibition. Meanwhile, each work from Outer Space will be created collaboratively between more than one artist and tackle as its subject matter the innocuous and inconspicuous objects within our social landscape, such as tabloid newspapers found throughout the city, and bland benches.

This exhibition in some ways follows the same thread as last summer’s Luna Park show, at the Alejandra von Hartz Gallery, where you had six Miami-based artists (including Moreno, Perry, and Oroza) making functional lighting objects that would serve as prototypes for mass production. Starless Sky/Outer Space operates similarly, as an alternative exhibition presented in an unexpected commercial venue.

Charest-Weinberg Gallery: 250 NW 23rd St., Miami; 305-292-0411; charest-weinberg.com