Summer camps at Matrix Theatre – Knight Foundation

Summer camps at Matrix Theatre

By Meranda Stuart, Matrix Theatre 

Matrix Theatre Puppetry and Theatre Department work together every summer to create a unique Matrix camp experience for youth. Weaving themes of wildlife and water through our camp activities, children learn about pressing environmental issues and how they can help in our community. So far summer camp has been a blast for teachers and youth! We have had a lot of exciting times in both the puppetry and theatre portions of the camp, which runs from July 4-15.

In puppetry, children planted a “salsa” garden. Our garden includes tomatoes, cilantro, onions, and peppers. We explained that the garden is called a “salsa” garden because we are growing all the necessary ingredients to make salsa with.

Teacher and Community Puppets Manager Megan Harris engages youth with daily experiments designed to teach them about the environment. So far students created an “oil spill” using olive oil and water in a baking sheet. Youth have also began designing and building the face of a giant river spirit puppet.

In theatre classes, the youth participate in acting games and impromptu work. They have begun learning about stage presence and character development. Youth are all smiles while participating in sing-song theatre dances and imaginative “parties” that require them each to have a “quirk character.”

The acting portion of summer camp weaves themes taught in puppetry. Considering the themes and activities completed in the puppetry portion, teacher Mary Burnett works with children to complete a show about content taught in the puppetry portion of summer camps.

Summer camps are filled with new friendships, self discovery and environmental awareness. So far it has been a great summer here at Matrix!