Swampspace Gallery – Knight Foundation

Swampspace Gallery

There’s a new art space now open in Miami’s Design District, Swampspace to be exact. Run by local artist Oliver Sanchez, out of his own art studio, right around the corner from Locust Projects’ and Spinello Gallery’s new locales.


Perhaps you remember last December when Sanchez transformed his studio into a makeshift bodega across the street from the Design Miami Fair. Since then he has erected walls and cordoned off roughly 12 x 23 feet of that studio for an exhibition space to showcase works by local artists. 

In a time when there appears to be something of a commercial gallery glut in the local scene, it’s refreshing to see someone new taking on the alternative model pioneered in that area by the Bas Fisher Invitational, devoting sections of artist workspace for the purpose of anything-goes art events.

Doors first opened in June, and the gallery has already had a string of successful, if not low key, showings. The next exhibition is set to take place this August 29. Local artist Victor Muniz (not to be confused with Brazilian-born New York-based Vik Muniz) will present three large banner paintings cluttered with images of skewed stream-of-consciousness references to pop culture for a solo show titled “Hyper Culture.”

Swampspace Gallery: 3821 NE 1st Court, Miami; [email protected]