Taiko, theater and more: Kick off the new year with Knight in San Jose – Knight Foundation

Taiko, theater and more: Kick off the new year with Knight in San Jose

Photo above: San Jose’s Exhibition District. Credit: Vignesh Ramachandran.

We recently announced over $1 million in support for 15 new projects to help create a more vibrant San Jose. This funding focuses on three priorities: branding and identity, transforming public spaces and helping the next generation of emerging leaders. Learn about these projects and more in the San Jose Mercury News.

I’m also excited to see our partners we’ve funded in the past continue to shine. Learn more about the closure of six miles of streets so that pedestrians and bikes could have the right of way at Viva CalleSJ; crowdsourcing ideas for a better neighborhood with Somos Mayfair; and revitalizing downtown San Jose through public art with the Exhibition District.

As we look ahead, join our community partners and me for these Knight-supported events in January:

Jan. 1: The School of Arts and Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza in partnership with Akoma Arts hosts the Third Annual New Year’s Day Imani and Day of Healing Drum.

Jan. 1 – Feb 7: The San Jose Downtown Association in partnership with Hawaiian Airlines presents Kristi Yamaguchi Downtown Ice.

Jan. 3: San Jose Taiko offers an adult recreational class.

Jan. 5: Join me for a “Meet Knight” breakfast and office hours from 9-10 a.m. PT. Come learn about the Knight Cities Challenge, hear about our strategy in San Jose, share your ideas and receive feedback. Limited seats available.

Jan 6: The San Jose Museum of Art offers a lunchtime lecture, “Creative Placemaking: San Jose Public Art.”

Jan. 7: SPUR hosts a discussion on “Super Bowl 50 in the South Bay.”

Jan. 13: Veggielution hosts a barn dance.

Jan. 15-24: The Tabard Theatre Company at Theatre on San Pedro Square presents “Swift Justice.”

Jan. 20: Knight Foundation presents Movers and Shakers Happy Hour, our monthly happy hour, which brings together artists, architects, big thinkers, creatives, designers, urban planners and unaffiliated lovers of San Jose for drinks and sharing big and small ideas. Limited RSVPs available.

Jan. 21: Content Magazine hosts Content Lab: Sushi & Style.

Photo from “Tigers Be Still,” courtesy City Lights Theater Company.

Jan 21-Feb 21: City Lights Theater Company presents “Tigers Be Still.”

Jan. 27: Future Arts Now! and Kooltura Marketing host Imagine SJ: Theater.

Jan. 30: San Jose Made presents Screenprint Showdown.

I look forward to seeing you around the South Bay as we work to make an even better San Jose.

Daniel Harris is San Jose program director for Knight Foundation. Email him at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter @dyuliharris.