Features Obama Campaign Artist Tristan Eaton – Knight Foundation
Communities Features Obama Campaign Artist Tristan Eaton

A few years ago, Knight supported Detroit with a technology center at their downtown YMCA and youth programming. The YMCA centers developed the YArts program and have launched a refreshed Web site for the Detroit creative community:

The site is featuring artist Tristan Eaton, who contributes to the Detroit art scene and whose work has appeared on posters for the Obama campaign (below is his “gas pump” poster).

Eaton’s work was part of the Manifest Hope: DC Gallery exhibit this week at 3333 M Street NW during the Inauguration festivities.

The full interview on the YArts site here with an image of an Obama mural by Eaton unveiled this week.

What do you think about the Obama campaign art? And how can we strength art communities in cities like Detroit?

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