There’s Got to Be a Morning After, Sleepless Night
The program for Sleepless Night is ready for download — and it’s a doozy! There are 150 events on offer all over Miami Beach next Saturday night and into the wee hours of Sunday morning. That got me thinking about how tired I’m going to be when I write this blog the following Monday. And that got me thinking about what kind of prize I could give to get people to help me review Sleepless Night.
Right now all I can say is that there will be an hour of professional Thai massage (that is delivered by a professional, not me) at a Miami Beach location for 1) the person who writes the most reviews about Sleepless night events and 2) the person who writs the best review (according to my subjective opinion) of a Sleepless night event. We’re rewarding quantity and quality, arts fans.
Check back on Thursday for details on where to post, exactly what you can win, and my hints for packing in the most art you can in a single, sleepless night.