Thinkers and doers gather in Miami to address pressing social challenges – Knight Foundation

Thinkers and doers gather in Miami to address pressing social challenges

Thinkers and doers from throughout the Americas will gather this week in Miami for the 2012 abc* Continuity Forum.

Hosted by the Americas Business Council Foundation, the event begins today with an address by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The three-day gathering brings leaders together to confront the most pressing social and environmental issues in the Americas. It’s becoming one of the important convenings of thought leaders in Miami – and another sign that Miami is increasingly a place where important conversations are taking place. RELATED LINK

This year’s conference lineup includes Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes (who is also a Knight Foundation trustee), KIVA co-founder Jessica Jackley, The Humane Society’s, CEO and President Wayne Pacelle, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

Knight Foundation, which is focused on building more informed and engaged communities, is a sponsor of the conference. For several years, Knight has worked to build Miami’s art and cultural life and, as it continues that work, is now also focused on making Miami more of a place where ideas are built. To do that, Knight funds important gatherings that connect and inspire, and invests in the tools that allow people to better take action.

As part of its own effort to propel entrepreneurs and change makers, the 2012 abc* Continuity Forum is partnering with Ashoka, the world’s largest association of social entrepreneurs, and Innovadores de America, an organization that supports individuals pursuing important social, scientific, business and cultural achievements in Latin America.

Ashoka Fellows and Innovadores de America organizations will present initiatives at the conference which have the potential to create positive transformation. The abc* Foundation will select three projects to receive funding and hands-on advice, as well as media and marketing support for two years.

Along with Knight Foundation, this year’s Continuity Forum is sponsored by the ICO Group along with Univision, Televisa, PODER Magazine, Open English and the National Geographic Society. The event will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Miami’s Coconut Grove.

Details can be found at:

By Matt Haggman, program director/Miami at Knight Foundation.

Related: “Social entrepreneurs making a difference” in The Miami Herald

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