TurboVote partners with Google to help make voting easy – Knight Foundation

TurboVote partners with Google to help make voting easy

TurboVote announced a new partnership today with Google to help make voting easier for its users.

As part of Google’s Politics and Elections portal, people can use the TurboVote platform to begin the process of registering to vote, vote by mail and also sign-up for reminders to vote by SMS or e-mail. As visitors to the site, users select their state to find relevant voter registration information and election dates and deadlines.

If users can’t find a stamp to mail in ballots, TurboVote now offers individual accounts to anyone who wants their forms delivered with a stamped, addressed envelope for their local election office.

TurboVote, which is rolling out a new site design, also announced that the nonprofit Fight for the Future will add several of its activities to its site.

The Knight-funded TurboVote makes registering to vote, finding election information and voting by mail easy (its tagline says, “as easy as renting a Netflix DVD”). It has 45 college and university partners and was profiled in Mashable.

By Elizabeth R. Miller, communications associate at Knight Foundation

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