Video archive: The Future of Libraries” – Knight Foundation

Video archive: The Future of Libraries”

Above: Archived video from “The Future of Libraries” event. 

Thank you for joining us on Sept. 29, 2014 for a discussion with national thought leaders on the future of libraries. The digital age is making libraries more – not less – important to education, the economy and our civic life. The discussion above focused on how to ensure libraries are more engaging and innovative community centers into the future. This event was sponsored by Knight Foundation and The Miami Foundation.

The speakers:

  • Amy Garmer – Director of Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries (@AspenInstitute)
  • Corinne Hill – Director of Chattanooga Public Library (@chattlibrary)
  • John Szabo – City Librarian of the Los Angeles Public Library (@LAPublicLibrary)
  • Dr. Kenneth G. Furton, Provost of Florida International University (@FIU)