“WHIRL CRASH GO!” – Knight Foundation


Summer’s almost over, which means it’s time for a new art season to kick off. And who better to ring in the new season than local art duo and Hilger Artist Project Award winners, the TM Sisters.

For the past two months, sisters Tasha and Monica Lopez De Victoria have been assembling what may be their most ambitious performance to date.“WHIRL CRASH GO!” is the name of their current exhibition, and it opens 8 p.m. tomorrow night at Locust Projects.

With “WHIRL,” the two meld athleticism with performance art in a spectacle that not only embodies the idiosyncratic personalities of the siblings, but also the cultural hodgepodge that makes up Miami.

The TM Sisters take the two athletic activities they’ve been most passionate about since pre-teen age (for Monica synchronized swimming, and for Tasha freestyle speed skating) and use them as a spring board to tackle the conflicting cultures that make up their own heritage (a mix of Puerto Rican, German, and Scandinavian) as well as the ethnic  make-up of Miami at large.

The sisters have been very hush-hush about the production, ensuring tons of surprises, but what we do know is to expect a booty-bass infused soundtrack from local breackcore artist Ottto Von Schirach, costume design by Karelle Levy of the homegrown KREL-wear fashion imprint, and also expect lots of skating and synchronized swimming, with an above ground swimming pool installed in the Locust Projects space as part of the performance.

Locust Projects: 155 NE 38 St, Miami; 305-576-8570; locustprojects.org/