WWW – Knight Foundation


Pre-orders are currently available for Daniel Newman’s WWW, the first book in the [NAME] Publications series.


[NAME] Publications is the brainchild of writer/artist/curator Gean Moreno, and its main function is to serve as the book equivalent of an alternative art space for Miami artists. Aside from the book’s dimensions, artists have free-reign to create whatever they want within the confines of the format.

More importantly, because of these books’ low cost ($15) and high print run (1,000 copies for each book), these books actually have a chance of getting out into the culture in legitimate and organic ways. Someone with no previous interest in art or knowledge of Newman’s work may easily want to pick up a copy of the book as something of a curiosity.

Here’s a sneak peak at Newman’s tome, which attempts to compile internet oddities, presented in a stream-of-consciousness format that hopes to mimic the mechanic of the web:

Further projects down the line for [NAME] include Beatriz Monteavaro’s Quiet Village (also currently available for pre-order) and the Objects Aside series, which is a collection of books, similar in format to [NAME]’s Miami artist series, only these books are by international designers with strong conceptual projects. The first one is due out in December.

[NAME] will also be participating in next month’s NY Art Book Fair at PS1.

[NAME] Publications: namepublications.org