You Do Haiku! – Knight Foundation

You Do Haiku!

South Floridians shows their love of the arts 459 times in the Knight Arts Challenge’s first haiku contest. 17 was the magic number for local actor Alex Fumero, who took top prize ($500) for these 17 syllables:

if picasso joined my 305 collective he would have no paint.

Artist Jim Drain and writer Andres Solar took second and third prizes ($250 and $150), respectively. Five others received a $100 honorable mention. To see a complete list of winners & their haikus, click here. To see a complete list of entries click here. Sponsored by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the University of Wynwood, the first iteration of the contest explored the recent debate over arts funding in Miami-Dade county. Poet and FIU professor Campbell McGrath and University of Wynwood director Scott Cunningham judged the contest. For more info about the Knight Arts Challenge click here.