YOUMedia Miami inspires teen to study audio production – Knight Foundation

YOUMedia Miami inspires teen to study audio production

The following is part of an in-depth look at how YOUMedia Miami is a creative space for teens to experiment with digital media. This video “Soul Ground” is filmed, edited and sound directed by Khaleel Bailey, age 18.

My experience at YOUMedia has made me a more focused person. Before I met Library Media Project Coordinator, Marlon Moore, I was unsure about my post-secondary plans. I had a love for music, but no clear outlet that could be beneficial to me. Through the workshops and conversations with Mr. Moore, Ariel Pottinger, David Paez and the newest YOUMedia Librarian, Ricci Yuhico, I found out that I want to create and edit music for a living. I am on my way to Miami Dade College to study audio production. I am forever indebted to YOUMedia for helping me to discover the best path for me and the other teens in the program.

By Khaleel Bailey

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