With your ideas and $305K, The Miami Foundation is fueling a livelier Miami – Knight Foundation

With your ideas and $305K, The Miami Foundation is fueling a livelier Miami

Javier Alberto Soto is president and CEO of The Miami Foundation. Below he writes about the Public Space Challenge, an initiative of The Miami Foundation.

The Public Space Challenge turns 3 this year. Over the last several weeks of events, we’ve watched the community come together in vibrant, reimagined gathering spaces. It’s a testament to how Greater Miami has taken this idea and ran with it.

In 2013, we set out to create a unique platform for funding new and enhanced public spaces. Both the 2012 and 2014 “Our Miami” reports highlighted the importance of parks and public spaces for our residents’ physical well-being and facilitating connections to our city and each other. Miamians have taken that concept, and coupled with the hard work of numerous local organizations leading this cause year-round, ignited a countywide movement, championing the expansion and protection of these important spaces that belong to all of us.

The annual contest seeks ideas to connect Miami-Dade residents by creating, improving and activating public gathering places such as parks, libraries, plazas, community gardens and playgrounds.  Anyone – individuals, groups, agencies, nonprofits or companies – can submit ideas at ideas.ourmiami.org through the April 1 submission deadline. We encourage the community to weigh in on the ideas by liking, sharing and commenting on them. The challenge offers a way for everyone to help advance the cause by putting solutions in the hands of residents who have a passion for this place; your voice and input is critical for this platform to work. Public Space Challenge winners Marta Viciedo and Irvans Augustin are leading workshops for potential applicants. Photo courtesy The Miami Foundation.

In an effort to invest in bigger ideas, mobilize more people and see greater results, The Miami Foundation and our partners have upped the total prize amount to a fitting $305,000. Our challenge sponsors Health Foundation of South Florida, now in its third year of supporting the contest, and Baptist Health South Florida, which is partnering with us for the first time, have each committed funds to the total. Because of their generosity, the challenge will support ideas encouraging healthy lifestyles and exercise activities in the community. We are privileged to help advance their work of building a stronger, more energetic Miami.

Last year, the Public Space Challenge garnered 410 ideas, up from 263 ideas in 2013. Following the submission period, community experts and “placemakers” will evaluate all of the ideas and select finalists, who will develop full proposals for the final selection round.

The Public Space Challenge kickoff at Ball & Chain earlier this month highlighted a resurgence in the historic Calle Ocho corridor that we think is worth noting.  Partners Bill Fuller, Zack Bush and Ben Bush have completely reinvigorated that iconic landmark, honoring its noted past and infusing the energy and flavor of Little Havana today. It’s this kind of action we want to cultivate: By reimagining the spaces all around us – whether vacant lots, public plazas, historic buildings or transit stations – how can we shape new spaces that bring us together as fellow Miamians?

With more community partners, more prize dollars and more local changemakers like you, this is shaping up to be the most impactful Public Space Challenge ever. The power to create the vibrant city you want to call home is in your hands.  We look forward to seeing all your dynamic ideas for connecting Miamians through unique and engaging public spaces.

The Public Space Challenge is an initiative of The Miami Foundation. Apply at ideas.ourmiami.org.