Amber Robertson – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Amber Robertson

  • Journalism

    Photo credit: Flickr user Thomas Hawk Students doing more journalism in the “teaching hospital” model is a win for journalism education. But if universities want more from their student journalists, they should do more for them. That means legally protecting them even when the community and police don’t. Nationwide, universities are rightfully touting the benefits of the teaching hospital model. […]

    Article · September 6, 2012 by

  • other

    Photo Credit: Flickr user eclecticlibrarian Much has been written of late about the relatively low quality of academic research in the journalism and mass communication field. Since this is a critical time, the dawn of a new age of communication, there’s much to learn. The research gap is a major source of disagreement between professionals and […]

    Article · September 5, 2012 by

  • Journalism

    By Amber Robertson Would it be safe to assume that a survey of recent journalism and mass communication graduates would overflow with data of how they are seizing ever-growing new media opportunities? Apparently not. The Annual Survey of Journalism & Mass Communication Graduates seems to ask the wrong questions year after year. The 2011 survey […]

    Article · August 21, 2012 by