Ann Cheng – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Ann Cheng

  • Communities

    Stuart Cohen is executive director of TransForm, California’s leading transportation advocate, and Ann Cheng is director of GreenTRIP, TransForm’s green building certification program for new residential, mixed-use development. San Jose is one of 26 Knight communities.  Silicon Valley is the world’s leading center of innovation. Yet San Jose is trapped in the era of floppy disks and 8-track tapes when it […]

    Article · March 27, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Stuart Cohen is executive director of TransForm, California’s leading transportation advocate, and Ann Cheng is director of GreenTRIP, TransForm’s green building certification program for new residential, mixed-use development. San Jose is one of 26 Knight communities. Photo credit: TransformCA.  What could developers do with $2.4 billion and more space? What could families do with another $8,000 […]

    Article · July 8, 2014 by