Anne Galloway – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Anne Galloway

  • Journalism

    Anne Galloway is the editor of and the executive director of Vermont Journalism Trust. VTDigger recently raised $25,000 as part of the Knight News Match, a commitment from Knight to match up to $25,000 in donations to select nonprofit news organizations through Jan. 19, 2017. For a full list of participating organizations visit  […]

    Article · December 30, 2016 by

  • Journalism

    Knight Foundation recently released the report “Finding a Foothold: How Nonprofit News Ventures Seek Sustainability,” which examined the operations of 18 nonprofit news organizations. Anne Galloway is editor and co-publisher of, one of the nonprofits. Below, she writes about developing an audience. Photo credit: Morgan Brown. When I started VTDigger in 2009, I had the moral support […]

    Article · November 4, 2013 by