Anne Tschida – Page 13 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Anne Tschida

  • Arts

    Overview of Overton’s “Flat Rock.” Photo by Daniel Portnoy The main show at MOCA is the huge solo exhibit from Wangechi Mutu, and more on that amazing survey of works in a separate review. But tucked into the back of the museum is another gem, “Flat Rock” from Brooklyn-based Virginia Overton. When you leave the […]

    Article · April 22, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Pettersson’s work is inspired by Southern Gothic. When Christina Pettersson’s solo show opens at the new Primary Projects space in downtown Miami, it will launch much more than the intriguing “The Castle Dismal” exhibit itself. She joins up with O, Miami poetry month, creates special events including at the Miami City Cemetery, and will host […]

    Article · April 20, 2014 by

  • Arts

    The artist El Anatsui has come a long way. In his lifetime he has crossed continents and cultures, genres in art-making, decades that defined the contemporary world since World War II, and has ended up on the successful end of an important artistic and historical journey. One recent stop on that eventful path was Miami. […]

    Article · April 15, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Edwin Villasmil, “Libertad de Expresion,” Ink on Paper. There is a strain in North American art practices to shy away from overtly political commentary – that, of course, is a sweeping statement, but European, African and Latin American artists seem to wade into that territory more often. Miami, sitting on the edge of several worlds, […]

    Article · April 11, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Artists and writers alike need to pin-up their poems. There are so many cool things about the O, Miami poetry festival (a Knight Arts grantee), not the least of which that it crosses many genres and lasts a whole month (April). Now in its third incarnation, O, Miami continues to spread its wings, and to […]

    Article · April 8, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Detail of Ana Mendez’s “The Fortress.” Ana Mendez has done some exciting stuff in her young career. One of the new generation who blurs lines among disciplines, it’s hard to shoe-horn her work into any one category. She is a performance artist and trained dancer, and within this context will likely be where you have […]

    Article · April 2, 2014 by

  • Arts

    “No Rain No Rainbows” rug from Agustina Woodgate. Agustina Woodgate works with found and everyday objects, with the way people interact with space, situations, location, but in a mundane way. Her sculpture and installation (and billboards) are not in-your-face, nor seemingly “imposed” on the surroundings — they are part of it, and questioning it, how we […]

    Article · March 28, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Dan Graham will talk about his sculpture and video. Dan Graham has worked on the formative edge of Conceptual Art since the 1960s, working with text, performance art, video and likely most familiarly, glass-and mirrored sculpture, which appear in sculpture gardens and outdoor spaces through the globe. Most of his early work involved video and […]

    Article · March 25, 2014 by

  • Arts

    Installation of “Noonday” from Jenny Brillhart. Photo Frank Casale/Emerson Dorsch The paintings of Jenny Brillhart have always been somewhat deceptive. While she incorporates collage and generally works within what could be called an architectural landscape, her works really are still life pieces. Quiet, contemplative places that evoke a light and a time of day reminiscent […]

    Article · March 22, 2014 by

  • Arts

    “Be” from Antonia Wright. “You Make Me Sick: I Love You” couldn’t be a better title for the solo show opening up at Spinello Projects from Antonia Wright. Primarily a performance and video artist, Wright’s work is gripping, disturbing, humorous, emotional and at a level that few Miami artists have reached. Whether the work attracts […]

    Article · March 18, 2014 by

  • Arts

    “After Bierstad — The Landing of Columbus.” The window at the back of this one gallery in the new Perez Art Museum Miami serves as a portal to the best of the city. From this perch you can see Biscayne Bay, all the boats and ships that have brought people and goods to this tip […]

    Article · March 14, 2014 by