Anne Tschida – Page 2 – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Anne Tschida

  • Arts

    Above: Miami’s Seraphic Fire choir. Credit: Seraphic Fire. Nu-Deco Ensemble from Southern Land Films. April will mean big news for two South Florida musical groups pushing the bounds of classical music: Choir Seraphic Fire will wrap up its first, highly-praised national tour.  Meanwhile, the recently-launched Nu Deco Ensemble will complete its inaugural season, where it wowed […]

    Article · April 11, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: Part One of “The Hammer Trinity.” Photo by Michael Brosilow. Before there was television, or Netflix, or online streaming, our ancestors still found ways to ingest entertainment in large quantities. The ancient Greeks crowded amphitheaters to watch hours-long tragedies; Chinese opera might start in the morning and continue late into the evening, and include […]

    Article · March 30, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: “Eiko, A Body in Valparaiso, Chile.” Photo by William Johnston. Funded by a Knight Arts Challenge grant, Tigertail Production’s month-long Water festival will begin flowing through Miami on March 30, with multi-disciplinary events held at unconventional venues. This is an ambitious, novel event, where water as a broad concept–the essence of life, the “element” […]

    Article · March 22, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: ARTSail will be an art residency program reflecting Miami’s unique relationship to water. Photo by Michael Bolden via Flickr. In many ways, the future of Miami is inherently linked to water. As a recent New Yorker magazine article pointed out, we are encompassed by no less than six sources of water: the Atlantic Ocean, […]

    Article · February 24, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Scotch recording tape. All photos courtesy City of Progress Studio. When New Yorker Henry Stone moved to Miami in 1948, he set up a little music studio on Flagler Street. He started hanging out in clubs in Overtown, and by the 1950s was recording soon-to-be-legends such Ray Charles and James Brown. Through the years, his […]

    Article · February 15, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: Power House Productions has made artist interventions in abandoned buildings in Detroit to re-energize a decaying neighborhood; the Squash House is being transformed into a sports center and greenhouse. Credit: Power House Productions. Knight Foundation today announced it is investing an additional $4 million in ArtPlace America, a national creative placemaking effort. Below, writer […]

    Article · January 28, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: Sylvie Fleury “Eternity Now” on the façade of the Bass Museum. Photo by Silvia Ros. The death knell had gone out for public libraries. Like book and record stores, they were pronounced irrelevant at the advent of the digital age. As the country fell into the recession that began in 2008, libraries, including in […]

    Article · January 4, 2016 by

  • Arts

    Above: “The wilderness watches over us in Miami,” billboard by Susan Silas. Photo courtesy of Deborah Mitchell. Miami will officially begin “rewilding” this Thursday, Dec. 10, when the Artists in Residence in Everglades (AIRIE) program kicks off its Wild Billboards project at the Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM). Funded by the Knight Arts Challenge, AIRIE […]

    Article · December 8, 2015 by

  • Arts

    Photo: Domestic life underwater, a scene from Lars Jan’s “Holoscenes.” Photos courtesy of MDC Live Arts. On an outdoor plaza in downtown Miami, a giant aquarium starts to fill with water. In response, the occupant within it–a performing artist–starts to deal with the everyday activities in which he or she is engaged in a manner […]

    Article · December 3, 2015 by

  • Arts

    Above: Performance under the train tracks in downtown Miami from Funkamole; photo by Justin Trieger. Miami now has gleaming high-rises, a downtown with riverfront walkways and restaurants and cafes. But truly metropolitan cities are not defined solely by their edifices and skylines. There is a human element that makes-up a dynamic city, the people that […]

    Article · November 25, 2015 by

  • Communities

    Ginny Simon pulls out some of her famous cookies. The recipe for the successful and popular Ginnybakes is fairly simple, according to founder and CEO Ginny Simon. The sweet treats her company produces are organic, gluten-free, certified kosher and, in some cases, vegan. And the most important feature, she says, is that “they are outrageously […]

    Article · November 17, 2015 by